Another Cell Tower On The Way For Prince George's County Schools
You are invited....
Milestone Communications Community Meeting
for their Proposed Cell Tower in Greenbelt
Cell Tower To be Constructed at Roosevelt High School
Cell Tower To be Constructed at Roosevelt High School
April 25th at 7:00pm.
8900 Good Luck Road, Seabrook, MD 20706
Why are they placing cell towers
on our children's schools?
Cell Tower Update from David GoldSmith, Milestone Communications
"At this time we have received the NTP and completed our photo simulations, concept drawings, and set up a site specific website. During the next step of the process, we provide an extensive community outreach; including a community meeting. We will send out notices to surrounding residents and school patrons with the site specific website URL, my contact information, and information concerning the community meeting date, time, and location.
I would like to invite you to the meeting held at the Seabrook Seventh-Day Adventist Church (8900 Good Luck Road, Seabrook, MD 20706) on Tuesday, April 25th at 7:00pm. The meeting is set up for the members of the school and community to ask questions and gain more information about the project. We do not like to hold these types of meeting on the school grounds, but rather somewhere nearby, so it does not seem like a school sanctioned event led by the principal.
Please click the link below to find more information about the project:"
Please reach out with any questions. please contact him and tell him if you do not want this tower and be sure to send an email to the press, other parents and your elected officials as well.
David Goldsmith
Development Associate
Milestone Communications
12110 Sunset Hills Road Suite 100
Reston, Virginia 20140
(703) 268-5093 (Office)
(704) 641-1476 (Cell)
Firefighters Do Not Want Cell Towers On Their FireStations
So why would we want them on our children's schools.